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Why Study at NCCL:
Nenson City College London as a Centre for Entrepreneurship and Management Studies, although sympathises with the latter viewpoint (above), it however, contends that, even in situations where entrepreneurial tendency is perceived to be innate, it is still necessary to nurture, sharpen and develop the natural talent through training and support. Years of experience acquired through working as a small business sector specialist Business Consultant, Adviser, Enterprise Skills programme broker, developer, trainer and co-ordinator for clients both in the private, public and third sectors in the UK, has convinced NCCL associate faculty members (and many others with practical insights, experiences and knowledge in the small business field) that Entrepreneurship can be taught, learned and developed through entrepreneurial skills training courses. As such it is a realisable aspiration for individuals to turn their acquired trade skills, ideas or hobbies into viable businesses through adequate commercial knowledge and skills support structures. This is also relevant to those already trading and wish to grow their micro, small and medium size businesses to a point of competitiveness in the market place. As have been shown from the experiences of the most developed economies of the west, newly and recently emerging economies of south east Asia, the small business sector play critical roles in wealth creation, employment generation, socio-cultural dynamics as well as enhanced standards of living.

It is a known fact that people embark on their entrepreneurial ventures for a host of reasons. Whereas it is not unusual to become an entrepreneur because of one’s invention. Some start out because they want to be their own bosses hence despise the idea of being bossed over or controlled. The desire for financial freedom or security, creation of employment for self, family members and possibly for the wider society too, may propel some. Moreover, the urge to achieve respect, recognition and self actualisation may well turnout to be the justification for resorting to entrepreneurship. There are others who start due to redundancy, job insecurity or even the desire for change. Many take to this career route as a result of the skills they possess. Notwithstanding their circumstances and motives, they are people who want some degree of control, and desire to shape their own destinies. Whereas all these are plausible reasons, starting up a business without the right intelligence and justification hightens the business’s risk of failure.

It is one thing to start up a business, it is another for that business to survive the first eighteen months. Whether the business survives the first six or eighteen months will largely depend upon the quality of Management of the Entrepreneur / owner manager, whose knowledge and skills are critical decisive factors. In essence the possession of these, in addition to the right attitudes of mind will all contribute to the entrepreneur’s ability to construct a viable business plan and manage the sensitivities of the market.

This is where Nenson City College London, centre for Entrepreneurship and Management Studies becomes a factor in the entrepreneurial equation. Our task is to assist in minimising the risk elements through training, guiding and supporting the learner on the appropriate logics and justifications. We aspire to ‘construct a bridge’ between the technical and the entrepreneurial worlds. We understand the needs of small businesses on the entrepreneurial spectrum and possess the know-how to be responsive.

We candidly hope that you will like to study with us and give us the opportunity to participate in helping you pursue your dream.